Naomi Loves

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Hot November

Hot November days are for morning walks in floral air. For wearing hats and painting toenails, for water-fights and fizzy fruit-drinks. Hot November days are for going grocery shopping and discovering the first of the summer fruits in stock: peaches, nectarines, watermelon, and two perfect mangoes.

On hot November mornings, carnival folk like to sleep in. The Village Festival was supposed to open at midday. By the time we left at 2pm so Madeleine could have a sleep, most of the sideshow tents were just opening, some of the food tents had started cooking lunch but most weren't ready yet, and a couple of bands had started to play.

So we missed a lot of the shows, the wandering performers, the diverse food. But we did sit with friends in the shaded bar-tent sipping cold drinks and eating poffertjes and listening to folk music, and it was altogether pleasant.

Oh and a sweet scribe named Charlotte wrote a letter to Emily for us.

How was your Sunday?