Naomi Loves

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Favourite things - surprise!

Do you know what day it is today? Today is the day that will forever be known as the We Survived the Mayan Apocalypse day. Surprise! You are still alive! The future is ours. Let's appreciate each and every day and make them GREAT. 1. The old-book vending machine

Bibliomat-08This bookstore in Toronto had a dearth of old and unusual books cluttering up the storage spaces. So the owner came up with a novel (sic!) idea: he built an old-timey-looking vending machine that dispensed old books for $2 a pop. You don't know what book you'll be getting until it's in your hands. Now the machine has become so popular that the shop's owner is having trouble finding books he's willing to part with for $2. (First seen on Fast Company).

2. Mail, but not as you know it

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI've been decorating more mail packages, sending my book Airmail out to you lovely folk all over the world. Here are some of the latest decorated packages, on English Muse. Did you get yours yet? I'm a bit behind because of all the Christmas chaos, but I promise that if you've subscribed and asked for a book, I'll write to you as soon as possible. (Also a special message to Annie: I LOVED your email! I've sent you a book but I will write back properly, soon. xo)

UPDATE 5 July 2014: as of today I have run out of copies of Airmail to send you. However I would still love to send you something nice by snail-mail to say thank you for reading this blog, and I will still do my best to make it look pretty. If you have subscribed to this blog (or you want to), simply fill in your postal details on this page. And if you’re still keen to read Airmail, there’s a list of stockists here.

3. Miniature green worlds

TerrariumI put out some fairly strong hints that I'd like a terrarium for Christmas. But given that I was recently asked "which item of clothing do you like most, jeans or shirts?" in a nonchalant manner while out shopping together, I won't hold my breath. In my old home town, Sydney, the Council has teamed up with Etsy to create a cute little tutorial on making a terrarium. So maybe I'll get brave and create my own. (Photo credit: incredible artsy terrarium with the house from Beetlejuice, by Face of the Earth on Etsy).

4. Sidewalk secrets

PursuitIn pursuit of... what? Click here to find out.

5. On mothers and honey

MadeleineEarlier this year, two of my favourite writers on the Internet, Gill Harrison and Karen Charlton, took stock of their own blogs, creative writing and families, and decided to team up and write together on Karen's reworked blog, Rhythm & Method. If you like wise words beautifully put, this is the place to visit.

Looking in the mirror the other day, I touched the fine lines that were appearing all-too-readily around my eyes (hastened, no doubt, by months on end of broken sleep). I winced at the pimples that had appeared a couple of weeks ago, another fun postpartum hormonal symptom. I poked at my jiggly arms and belly and legs, none of which represented the toned and trim me I still imagine I am in my head (until I look in a mirror or try to zip up my jeans). Overcome with self-loathing, I wondered if Madeleine would find me beautiful when she was older, or if I would embarrass her.

It was in such a mood that I read this post on Reclaiming the beauty in motherhood, by Gill. Thank you, Gill, this was exactly what I needed to hear.