Naomi Loves

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What's going on?

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA In breaking news, I made homemade bread AND homemade butter. Colour me smug!

This is a kind of "taking stock" post, inspired by Pip from Meet Me at Mikes. The idea is to stop, or at least slow down, and put some thought into what has been taking up your time and dwelling in your thoughts of late. Only, I wanted to make my list a liiiiittle bit shorter and I really liked the prompts created by Michelle from Daughter of the Woods, so I borrowed hers...

Carousel of Life // More than 12 months after my first letterpress lesson, I have finally saved up enough to get another lesson, and to buy some supplies to start practicing. I can’t wait to begin making beautiful, printed things and hopefully, if they’re good enough, to send them to you guys!

Heart-moment // On the weekend the children and I wandered up to Lygon Street, and we didn’t do anything special but with them it was all special. Walking together up a hill, looking in on everyone’s gardens; catching a tram (“A tram with STAIRS, Mummy!”); smiling at all the people outside Readings Bookstore who were wearing Griffindor scarves and round, black-rimmed spectacles; introducing the children to chocolate cannoli; trying on a shirt and hearing Scout breathe “You look lovely, Mummy, that really suits you!” for all the world as if she was my girlfriend and not my four-year-old daughter.

Moment of Tears // Poor little Ralph is sick. Not only that, but just before Mr B and I were about to go out two nights ago (and trust me this is a VERY rare occurrence), Ralph dislocated his elbow. Driving him to the hospital was the most heartbreaking experience, with the poor little man clutching his arm and sobbing “too bumpy” at every twist and turn in the road. He followed it up with a fever that night, and all the next day, and his suffering is all just too sad.

Looking forward to// A healthy family. And also, a trip to Tasmania that we are planning for spring. I am dreaming of clean salt-sea air. Of seagulls and forests and fruit-picking and smooth river pebbles.

Pieces // I had to buy a ball gown for a gala ball I will be attending on the weekend, so I used the app The Real Real to find something pretty great at a budget price. I got a call from the couriers yesterday: my dress had arrived, but they were holding it until I paid $278 in duties and taxes. Whaaaaaat!? Suddenly my budget dress is not so budget, and I don’t really have a choice as I can’t return it to get my money back until I actually have hold of it. Lesson bitterly learned.

Music // I am bereft. Bereft of music! I can’t get the SONOS to work with my new phone, it’s very frustrating. And if I have to hear "Let It Go" from Frozen one more time…

Series/Movies // Oh my gosh Manhattan. Have you seen it? I love how real the characters are, how they grapple with fear and secrets and ambition and love and family and the ethics of it all, of what it meant, in the middle of World War II, to build an atomic bomb.

How about you? What's going on?