Writer, illustrator, founder of Tangle
Hi, I’m Naomi Bulger, a writer and illustrator, on a path to live my life with more simplicity, greater creativity and deliberate kindness.
This website celebrates the things I love (hence the name) and my own adventures in creativity, slow living, and forging personal connections.
feature stories

I’d love to hear from you!
I am available for commissions on writing, illustrating and branding, and I'd love to work with you on your project.
* Visit my branding and content-marketing website, Tangle & Fern Studio
* Meals in the Mail is a joint venture newsletter, podcast, and series of books
* Share the little moments on Instagram
* Send me an email at "hello at naomiloves dot com"
I’m also a big fan of real mail. Want to send me some? My postal address is: PO Box 191, Clifton Hill, VIC 3068, AUSTRALIA.
I'm often on the lookout for creative, quirky and unique artists, photographers, writers, designers, film-makers, shops and projects to feature in the journal. Please don’t hesitate to tell me what great things you’re doing.
From time to time I am also approached by PR folks as well as entrepreneurial creative folks (go you!) to write about their products or services on my blog or share them on my Instagram feed, in return for some kind of kick-back.
I rarely accept these offers but, when I do, my policy on this is pretty simple: if I like it, I will write about it. If I don’t, I won’t. So you won’t get a negative review from me, but you cannot buy my good opinion with gifts or money. Any gift I accept from you will be made clear in the post I write.